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Cornerstone Award Winners



TEAM ADMIN, ADMISSIONS, MARKETING, FINANCE -- Bianca Ramos, Learning & Development Specialist - Administration
1. Bianca has recently switched departments to L&D team and it's been so wonderful to watch her flourish in the role. Not only am I impressed with her ability to challenge herself in a new role with totally new skills, but she's continuing to manage the service awards for the whole company too. She has gone above and beyond that to offer her time to organize team bonding/celebration experiences to supervisors who want to do something like that but don't know where to start. Lastly, she's been working with me weekly to learn about development work and is helping me reach out to part time staff supervisors and give them the opportunity to do development work like retreats, or individual development work. Something that this group of employees has been craving for many years but we've never had the people-power to reach them. Now we do with Bianca's help and dedication! Bianca is the definition of above and beyond, challenging herself and reaching for the stars to improve employee's experience, making them feel valued and like they belong in hopes of increasing retention. She's incredible and unstoppable!

2. Bianca adds an observably impactful space for many employees seeking a sense of belonging at Odyssey House. Being her office neighbor, I witness multiple people throughout the agency visiting her each week to tell her about their lives, their stresses, and to have a listening ear. I've been in the room during a few of these interactions and its obvious to me that the many individuals who leave her office feel very heard and appreciated. She also does a great job at connecting different people together, who may have never had the chance to develop a connection unless she introduced them to one another. I'd like to nominate Bianca for a Cornerstone Award because I feel without her presence, interest, and talent in truly caring for and supporting those around her, many people would feel a little less cared about or engaged. I am confident that Bianca contributes to a healthy, safe, and engaging workplace.

TEAM ADULT RESIDENTIAL – DOWNTOWN -- Ericka Wissler, Peer Support Specialist
Ericka is a huge asset to our community both staff and clients. She is always up to help anyone at any time! If someone needs a group to be covered, she will do it. If someone needs to go somewhere, she will drive! She is a bright light that shines on all of us. She makes jokes, she will hold people accountable, she embodies Odyssey House Values.

The clients love her, because they know she will be real with them and also root for them. She will have the hard talks that need to be had when they are acting out, and she will praise them when they are doing well.She is dependable, the clients know that they can count on her to be here and make sure that their things get taken care of.

Ericka is just a fun person to be around for everyone in the house. Ericka is always at work, she is always going above and beyond for clients and staff. She is able to hold strong boundaries when needed but also able to have fun with the clients. The clients really gravitate towards her, because they know she will be real with them, and they know she truly cares. Ericka has been an amazing addition to the team at Downtown!.

TEAM ADULT RESIDENTIAL – LIGHTHOUSE -- Manny Soberanis, Procurement Manager
Many of you may be aware that the Lighthouse Adult Program recently lost our Kitchen Manager. Manny stepped up without even needing to be asked and volunteered to handle the majority of the kitchen manager responsibilities on top of doing all the amazing work he already does. I cannot express the gratitude I have for his willingness to step in and get things done. This man is a true Godsend to our organization and I would like him to get the recognition he deserves! Thank you Manny for all you do. Not just for Lighthouse in a time of need, but consistently, every day for this entire agency. We appreciate all your efforts!  

Jared is an amazing co worker he loves the clients and he he very good at sharing his experience for when he was a client. He has went over and above in driving the clients to there appointment's or in an emergency for one of them. He helps out when ever he is asked and is very helpful to the staff members if someone needs help with something. He loves his job and it shows with his concern for the clients as well as management and staff. He teaches the clients how to take care of plants and gardening which is his hobby. They all really enjoy his group and our house is filled with plants that he has helped the clients to grow. I have witnessed him taking the tracks just to get 1 of his clients to the court in an urgent situation. He has went over and above his job description to help the people he is here to help. He is a big asset to the Odyssey House family.

TEAM ADULT RESIDENTIAL – MILLCREEK -- Claire Hoffmann, Clinical Coordinator
Claire is literally the clutch for team Millcreek. She is oftentimes behind the scenes making sure that everything is running smoothly, and is quite literally Sarah's right hand person. Claire has really focused in on trauma informed care and is a leader on that team: teaching and coaching everyone on how to be more informed. She is a great asset to the team and we are super lucky to have her.

TEAM CLINIC -- Maddy Baysinger, Medical Billing Specialist
1. Ever since Maddy began her job at the clinic she has stood out as an outstanding employee, she always has such a positive attitude and shows real joy in her job. Having her on the billing team is amazing but having her just in the clinic has really changed a lot. Her personality is so uniquely amazing and I cannot imagine work without her. She is always going above and beyond, she never has to be asked to jump in and help. She has taken on so much responsibility so that I can focus on Cerner! Maddy also has such great attention to detail & is so dependable, she picks things up so quick and runs with it. Her bubbly, sweet personality is contagious and makes everyone in the office happier. We are very grateful to have you!

2. Maddy is such an amazing addition to the team, she is such an amazing person to work with and has been such an amazing help to Torrie. We are so blessed to have her within the clinic.


TEAM MENTAL HEALTH; WOMEN’S / MEN’S, CRIMINAL JUSTICE -- Leighann Marsh, Therapist – Criminal Justice Program
1. Leighann is an amazing and integral part of this team and organization. She strives for excellence through the meaningful expression of self, consistently demonstrating the traits of transparency, honesty, courage, and authenticity. I never have to second-guess her, as she consistently speaks her truth with no underlying motives. I know where I stand with Leighann, and feel safe to be my most authentic self with her. She displays clinical excellence with our clients by maintaining strong boundaries and holding them accountable to life-giving, recovery-oriented standards - strategically modeling accountability, acceptance, and integrity. Her treatment updates and assessments are highly detailed, thorough, and informative. I have never doubted that she loves this work and strives everyday to serve and benefit others. I am honored to work beside her, and feel privileged to have the opportunity to learn from her.

2. There are not enough words to describe how Leighann impacts Odyssey House. As a part of CJP and someone who just celebrated her 5 years with Odyssey, Leighann continuously provides a fun and supportive environment. She treats our client's with respect, supports them both inside and outside of jail, and shows up consistently. Not only is she an example of what a worker should be from 8-4 but she also runs the CATS Alumni and coaches the CATS softball team. If every worker were like Leighann, no one would ever leave Odyssey. She makes you feel cared for, recognized, and is ALWAYS willing to help her team.

3. Leighann is great mentor. She is always available to help and does a great job at explaining why and how to do things. She is a positive light to the team and interacts with everyone and helps promote a positive work environment. She is consistent in her values and cares deeply for the clients. She organizes softball and alumni events and works really hard to advocate for her clients. She relates to client on various levels while also maintaining appropriate boundaries and holding them accountable to behaviors conducive to their recovery. Leighann has been with the CATS program for years and her wisdom and guidance are of great benefit to her team and clients.

4. Leighann is amazing and an integral part of this team and organization. She constantly strives for excellence through the meaningful expression of self, and consistently demonstrates the traits of transparency, honesty, courage, and authenticity. I have never had to second-guess her, as she consistently speaks her truth with no ulterior motives. I know where I stand with Leighann, and feel safe to be my most authentic self with her. She displays clinical excellence with our clients, holding them to the standards of recovery by creating space for them to drop any pretense and to address hard issues. She manages client resistance and superficiality well by strategically modeling this therapeutic community's principle of "accountability." Her treatment updates and assessments are highly detailed, thorough, and informative. I have never doubted that she loves this work and strives everyday to serve and benefit others. I am honored to work beside her, and feel privileged to have the opportunity to learn from her.

TEAM OUTPATIENT; SUGARHOUSE / REDWOOD -- Robyn Ramos, Therapist  – Redwood
Robyn recently returned to Outpatient and we couldn't be more thrilled. She has jumped right in while still balancing a small caseload from YEP. Robyn brings enthusiasm and lightness to OP and is such a joy to work with. She embraces all her co-workers and is truly a member or the team. She is willing to help out wherever and whenever she is needed. Robyn has always made time for her co-workers who are in need an ear, a hug, or any type of support. She accepts all of us for our quirks and contributes to the nurturing environment that is Redwood Outpatient. 

TEAM PARENTS & CHILDREN SERVICES -- Jennifer Belt, Program Manager – Parent’s Program
1. Jennifer supports all of our staff in more ways than we can count. She is a fantastic problem solver that looks for ways to support our team to make their work flow easier or steps up for tasks that she identifies need support. She impacts our therapeutic community greatly with her accountability, honesty and realness. She has a realness about her that our client's both relate to and respect. She has a way of getting down to the children's levels and talking to them in a language they understand and are receptive to. She encourages our parents to communicate to their children how they wished they had been as kids. Jennifer is knowledgeable in her case management role and even big tasks she takes on with grace and is open to learning new things as client's cases bring complexity. As a program manager she makes sure our house is safe and has all the necessary checks and tools we need to address keeping our house in order and on point. We are so thankful for Jennifer and her leadership and what she brings to this team we couldn't do what we do with out her charisma.

2. Jen was super helpful. There were some important things that needed to be addressed in group with several clients. Normally I would have liked to address them but was unable to due to other responsibilities. Thanks to Jen things got addressed!


1. Emily often goes above and beyond on a daily basis to help out the FACT clients beyond what is asked of her. She is consistently helping clients get to their appointments, helping the nurses get them their medications out and and probably more than she ever imagined moving clients in and out of their current living situations whether it is her "assigned" client or not sometimes! (that truck may have been a blessing or a curse ha ha)

With our clients that usually means out of homelessness, off the streets into a boarding home or a apartment for the first time in years! She has rallied her community and found furniture and support in so many cases for our people. Sometimes it is far less exciting and moving people out of housing and helping them store things and finding a place in the shelter or find shelter to use on the streets if that isn't an option. We appreciate her dedication, zest and peer support for the FACT clients so much. Heart and soul from this girl!

2. Emily consistently exemplifies the qualities of a dedicated and supportive professional. Her commitment to her clients and coworkers is unmatched, making her an invaluable asset to our team. She invests time and effort into understanding her clients needs, ensuring they receive the best possible service. Her empathetic approach fosters strong, trusting relationships with her clients. She is always available to lend a helping hand, offer guidance, or provide a listening ear. Her positive attitude and willingness to assist others create a collaborative and inclusive work environment. Emily's support often extends beyond professional matters, as she is known for her kindness and encouragement during challenging times.

TEAM YOUTH RESIDENTIAL -- Jaison Jensen, Program Manager
Jaison has been a great addition to the team! Since he has started he has made some amazing changes for the best interest of the clients and staff to make it a better environment to be in. Jaison came in and showed everyone his personality of being caring, goofy and strong leadership including his miss match shoes style. It has been really good to see how he takes feedback from client's/staff and really listens to the persons concern and try's his best to make things better. Your ability to listen without judgement creates a safe space for open and regular communication. I truly appreciate your leadership style. Jaison I'm grateful for your consistent and ongoing support for everyone in the building! Thanks for embodying our core values every day with such passion and enthusiasm. Your energy is contagious and inspires both me and our team to put our best foot forward each day. You always remind people that we are all human that will mess up at one point or another and that it is okay to mess up and that its just another learning opportunity. It’s said that a good leader takes a little more than his share of the blame, and a little less than his share of the credit. I’ve noticed that you live this every day. Thank you for being our biggest fan!